ORGANIC MADEX 3 for control of the Codlin Moth larve in Pipfruit - Apples, Pears, Nashi, etc
ORGANIC MADEX 3 for control of the Codlin Moth larve in Pipfruit - Apples, Pears, Nashi, etc

ORGANIC MADEX 3 for control of the Codlin Moth larve in Pipfruit - Apples, Pears, Nashi, etc

Regular price $159.95 Sale

At last, a very effective organic non toxic biological spray to control Codling moth larvae infestation on pip fruit - Apples (especially), Pears, Nashi, etc. Biogro certified input for organics #4300.

Start spraying soon as the flower petals start falling to protect this seasons crop AND reduce the Codling moth population in your garden for next season.

Madex 3 is an organic product based on a live organism - the Codling Moth Granulosis virus otherwise known as CpGV – a naturally occurring pathogen of the codling moth.

It controls Codling moth caterpillars in their earliest juvenile stages before they begin to burrow into the fruit, it has a highly specific effect on fruit maggots and thus does not impact bees. First application of this organic product is from early to mid-October, with follow up sprays at 7-14 day intervals up until mid December. 

Madex 3 has a culmative effect in the reduction of the codlin moth population in your property with consecutive seasons.

Dilution rate is 3mils per 5 litres of water - and I'll provide a free 10mil syringe (with 1mil markings) to make measuring accurate/easy for the small amount you need to extract from the bottle and dispense into your sprayer.

You are purchasing 1 x 100ml bottle of Madex 3 which you store in the Freezer. It will still stay liquid and be totally effective for up to 4 years + from manufacturers date when stored in this manner. 

My stock of Madex 3 is stored in the Freezer, not at ambient shelf display - I am not a shop retail store needing to display this product on a shelf. 

Madex 3 is used commercially in orchards and now replaces Madex 2 which has been discontinued as a product line for general garden retail. Madex 3 is initially more expensive to purchase but the dilution rate is the same, bottle size larger and has a much better longer storage life when kept in freezer.